WP 6 Description
Rollout: Networking and Dissemination
The active involvement of a large group of stakeholders will ensure that S3C results are widely publicised and will find their way into an ever growing Smart Grid Family in Europe. This active involvement is the major task of work package 6. The knowledge and experience gained during the course of S3C is to be disseminated, "rolled out” through Europe.
It is particularly important for a consumer-centric project such as S3C to include all important stakeholders, in particular consumers, customers and citizens.
Work Package 6 is to coordinate the direct and indirect interaction with all stakeholders related to the project, to seek opportunities for learning and collaboration in both directions, as well as dissemination:
- Interaction with consumers, customers and citizens via FoP and Advisory and Dissemination Board (ADB)
- Information and knowledge exchange with relevant EU projects in general, and if suitable, to convince them to become a member of the FoP
- Information and knowledge exchange with other EU and non-EU initiatives, such as ISGAN, GRID+, EEGI
- Interaction with grid operators, energy providers, aggregators via FoP, ADB and other
A mid-term and a final conference, as well as three meetings of the ADB will be used for networking and dissemination as well. The mid-term and the final conference also serve to actively include the Family of Projects. Furthermore, project consortium members will be encouraged to attend and speak at relevant conferences and workshops to present the preliminary findings of the project and get reactions from the audience.
An advisory and dissemination board (ADB) will be established and advise the consortium on project activities, discuss the (preliminary) findings of the project with other stakeholders and feed back their reactions, and support the consortium in disseminating the results to the smart energy, smart grid and smart home world in Europe.